As I type these words, I am aware that when they are published the national election will be over. And as the election results come in, we will have elected a new president.
There is no doubt, some are now celebrating, while others are in deep grief. It is a new beginning for some Americans and the end for others. At least, that is how some now feel.
Yet, is that true? Now with (Insert the name of the candidate you do not like) in the White House are we finished as a nation? Or, is it possible that this nation is larger than any particular party or candidate who is now in power? Really, is it all over?
In the Bible there are many times when God’s people lived in a foreign land or when their own land felt very foreign. God told the prophets to tell the people. Build homes, have families, pray, and work for the best of the nation which you now must call home.
This is not the time for guerrilla warfare or more political divisiveness. But it is the time to be who we have always been in a land that may now feel foreign. It is the time to do our jobs, be good citizens, and pray that God will Bless America.
Mark Ross